Our Products
Tired of constantly attending your pump shed to adjust your gate valve? Want to protect your irrigation system and extend its lifetime?
Worried about plant taps being left in the wrong position? Do you want to avoid getting milk grades or having to dump milk? Are you sick of having milk sent to the wrong vat or milk being dumped to waste unnecessarily?
Something not quite right in your shed? Production down, cow health problems?
You may have a stray voltage issue in your dairy shed.
Is your dairy shed ready for the new season?
Ensure your diary shed is ready when you need it.
Want to start your irrigation on your terms?
Don’t miss the start of the irrigation season with a simple avoidable issue.
Ever thought about upgrading to LED lighting?
Tired of not having enough light available?
Need a thermal inspection for insurance purposes?
Thermal imaging can save downtime by detecting heating on cables, components, and terminations before they become a major problem.
Are you:
Constantly repairing your old console?
Tired of being unable to read your console controls?
Do you want:
To ensure even distribution of effluent?
To take the manual labour out of effluent distribution?
Proof of placement and GPS mapping?
Need an electrical metering point, switchboard or control cabinet?